About project

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The main goal of the project entitled „International athletic activation of seniors” is promotion of those sport disciplines that are popular among seniors in Italy, Slovakia, Ukraine and Poland, and propagating of active lifestyle among seniors.

The project’s particular goals:

  • An exchange of good practices in regard to sport activities that are realized by the project’s partners in Italy, Slovakia, Ukraine and Poland
  • Increasing of consciousness’ level in regard to different methods of seniors’ sport mobilization
  • Promotion of sport disciplines that are popular in the partners’ countries
  • International sport integration
  • Development of international cooperation in a range of realization of enterprises which concern sport’s promotion

The project’s content corresponds with assumptions of Erasmus+ programme in a range of promotion of traditional European sports and sport disciplines. The project assumes holding of the meeting between representatives of 4 organizations concerned with seniors’ sport activity. During the meeting each organization will present its own good practices in regard to physical activities and sport disciplines realized by it. The partner organizations’ representatives will participate in the Seniors’ Olympic Games which is co-organized by The Centre of Local Initiatives. Participation in this event allows the participants to get them practically acquainted with Polish sport disciplines and with those security means that are used during such events in order to respect the restrictions that come from the participants’ age.

The partners’ representatives will devise recommendations that concern doing sport activity in senioral age, what will be based on their participation in Olympic Games and exchanging of experiences which the participation involves. These recommendations and the project’s results will be published as an international blog’s content. Its range and high level of availability of the content will impact an increasing of attention for physical activity and European sport disciplines among citizens of partner countries, and especially among the seniors.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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