International seniors’ meeting in Katowice

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Three days – this is how long lasted the meeting in which partners of our project participated. On 15th, 16th and 17th September we met in Katowice. The partners had an opportunity to talk about sport and sport activities undertaken by elderly people. There was also a time for integration and short sightseeing the capital of Silesia.

During the meeting there was a conference so the participants of the project had an opportunity to present their organizations, goals, mission of activity and the scope of initiatives taken for the benefit of elderly people connected with sport and active lifestyle. Present at the meeting were organisers of the the Third Age University and Senior Organizations Olympics „Third Age at the Start” from UTA in Łazy – Krystyna Męcik, Ewa Wekiera and Bogdan Radko. We also had the pleasure to host Artur Horbovyy – President of the Association of Universities of the Third Age” KLEPSIDRA” (AUTAC) based in Kiev.

The group also visited the Silesian Museum located in the former mine „Katowice”. The guide showed us the gallery of non-professional art, the exhibition „The Light of History. Upper Silesia throughout history” and the gallery of Silesian sacred art. After a common meal we were visiting the city and took a group photo near The Sports and Event Hall – Spodek in Katowice. We also took a part in the cultural review of the participants of the Olympics and the conference „Let’s talk about sport and health” which was a part of XII International Sports Olympics.

During the last day, our guests participated in the International Third Age at Start Olympics, organized at the Silesian Stadium in Chorzów. The sporting competitions was attended by 500 competitors from 40 organizations from Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine and Italy! Our partners took part in competitions such as: running, archery, boule tournament and swimming. The competitors have demonstrated high physical fitness, taking places on the podium.

The meeting was a great opportunity to exchange good practices and to talk about sports activities and physical activity that are undertaken by projects’ organizations and their countries among seniors. We exchanged our experiences and comments, which we will use for further functioning of our organizations and undertaking initiatives aimed at organization of sports activities for seniors.

For the participants of our meeting it was very intensive and productive time abounding in many conversations and discussions. The new partnerships that have been established it is also a chance to cooperate in the future. There were born new ideas during our meeting in Poland, so we hope that we will have an opportunity to implement them together soon! 

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