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Public organization “Center for education “University of the Third age” was founded in Lutsk, Ukraine in 2016 with the purpose of cooperation and integration with national and international NGOs in field of life-long learning and developing social platform for adult education, human development and availability of LLL education, promotion of intergenerational communication. Its principal activities are as follow: trainings and seminars, methodological support for other NGOs, seniors’ mobility and exchange programs, publications and research, as well as national and international sport events, scientific meetings, tourism for seniors, other cultural and educational events.

Public organization “Center for education “University of the Third age” activities involve the exchange of practical and project experience of leading experts from the European Union and Ukraine concerning opportunities for LLL, adult education and training, as well as employment and career counselling for them mostly in three areas: social, psychological, economic ones. Its MAIN GOAL in Ukraine, Europe and in the world is cooperation in economic recovery; medium and small business development; re-launch economy in ageing society; cross-sector cooperation for new jobs infrastructure; digital economy, learning cities and rural areas. Public organization “Center for education “University of the Third age” succeeds in integrating into the European system of LLL, actively establishes new international ties with the EU universities, has agreements for cooperation, seniors’ exchange, realization of research projects.

The primary objective of activity of University of the Third Age education is the realization the studying skills of the people of respectable age during all their life, supporting their physical and psychological condition through the way of forming the conception of active longevity.

The basic accent of the activity of the University of the Third Age education is learning actual questions that have practical application in their lives.

In an educational process basic disciplines are:

  • Computer literacy;
  • Age-related psychology;
  • Studying foreign languages (English, Polish);
  • Art psychology;
  • Handmade art.

Lectures and practical lessons of healthy lifestyle and active longevity for the people of respectable age are held during the academic year.

For the people of respectable age such trainings are worked and conducted:

  • media literacy;
  • protection of the old people from manipulations through MASS-MEDIA
  • Organization of the wark of volunteers;
  • Time—management;
  • Changes management;
  • Socjał tourism 50+;
  • An event management.

For supporting the people of respectable age who want to conduct the healthy way of life regular sport trainings, internal competitions, walks, thematic events and lectures about all constituents of active longevity are conducted (aged psychology, rational feeding, maintenance of health, positive attitude toward life).

The great feature in the conception of active longevity in the activity of aur public organization is the development of social tourism. In this purpose we are trying to extend international cooperation and partnership with Universities of the Third Age in Poland, Slovakia, and Czech Republic, Lithuania, Turkey and other countries.

The students of the University periodically go in a tourist journeys abroad where they take part in sport competitions according the state of their physical condition and age, visit good friends of their age in Senioriads and Sport Olympiads in Republic of Poland and Slovak Republic.


The main mission of the Technical university in Zvolen (TUZVO) is to provide university education in accredited study programmes as well as to develop scientific research in different fields and to introduce it into practice. Within its main mission, the university:

  • organizes the university courses of study and grants a BSc. and Ing. (MSc.) degrees to graduates of the faculties,
  • provides postgraduate study programmes in different study branches, the graduates who are awarded the academic and scientific degree of „Philosophiae Doctor” (PhD.),
  • carries out the habilitations of Associate Professors and appointments to Professors-ships,
  • organizes continuing education in specified areas.

The aim of educational process at TUZVO is to provide graduates with a broad knowledge of forestry, wood science and technology, ecology and environment, manufacturing and environmental technology, also emphasizing specific methods and knowledge. Due to the multifunctional structure of curricula our graduates are able to find employment in a whole range of the aforementioned areas, as well as in other specialisation-related areas.

University of the Third Age (hereafter UTA), the workplace of the Technical University in Zvolen (hereafter TUZVO), focuses on the development and support of senior education and offers senior activities to the citizens of the Slovak republic (SR) in compliance with the Law no. 386/1997 Coll. and further amendments, together with the TUZVO faculties and according to their specialisation. It was established in June 1994.

Nowadays, they have more than 480 UTA students in the 18 study programs. They  are very active in national and international projects especially Grundtvig or Erasmus – Grundtvig – My passion (134120625), Tempus – Centre for the Third Age Education (544517-Tempus-1-2013), Erasmus plus – Digitally innovative (2015-1-PL01-KA204-016365).

The University of the Third Age provides the two-year study for citizens over 50 or even for disabled people regardless of age. At the end of their studies, the Technical University provides its graduates with the certificate of the study in a particular study programme.

The University of the Third Age of the TUZVO was established in 1996 when it was separated from the University of the Third Age at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. It has a rich over 20-year tradition. First, the UTA was managed by the Department of Pedagogical Work, since 2004 the UTA has been managed by the Centre of Continuing Education at the TUZVO.

We offer:

  • The Most Innovative UTA in Slovakia
  • We use social networks and other ICT tools
  • We are involved in grants and project
  • We are active in international projects
  • We organize the international Olympic games for students of UTA
  • We publish interesting articles
  • We try to do our work with a heart and a smile
Olympic games for students of UTA – 2018

Since its establishment, the University of the Third Age at the TUZVO has worked for more than 23 years. It contributes to the quality of senior life through different educational activities. Apart from education, the UTA provides also another activity – physical one, not only for the TUZVO students, but also for other 15 universities of the third age in Slovakia. In 2012, the SLSP Foundation supported the idea of organising the Senior Olympiad. In 2013, the UTA gained the support of the Slovak National Agency of the Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig, and in 2014, unfortunately, the UTA did not gain any project. Moreover, the UTA obtained the grant from the deputies of Banska Bystrica Self-Governing Region in the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. In the year 2018, the UTA gained the small grant from the town of Zvolen.

The UTA is very grateful to all the people who participate in the Senior Olympiad such as sportsmen, referees, organisers, volunteers who contribute to the organisation of the Senior Olympiad for the UTA students.
1st year – Slovakia

2nd year – Czech and Slovakia

3rd – Czech – Poland – Hungary – Slovakia

4th – Czech – Poland – Turkey – Ukraine – Slovakia

5th – Czech – Poland – Turkey – Ukraine – Russia – Lithuania – Slovakia

6th – Czech – Poland – Turkey – Ukraine – Russia – Spain – Slovakia

7th – Czech – Poland – Turkey – Ukraine – Portugal- Spain – Romania – Slovakia


Academics from the University (Dr Diana Spulber, Guido Franco Amoretti, Mauro Palumbo) are the authors of many publications (articles, books) about education, active ageing, tourism for older people and their well-being.

The University has a wide range of sport facilities and offers its students activities such as: squash, windsurfingu, football, aerobic. The Sports University Center CUS is one of the key partner of the University. The CUS is an amateur sports association which belongs to the national federation CUSI Italian University Sports Center.

The main CUS’s objectives are related to:

  • Popularisation and improvement of physical culture among students based on amateur sports activities
  • Participation in and organisation of local, national and international sporting events
  • Strenghtening the role of sport which requires greater cooperation with families, institutions and educational establishments

In May 2019 CUS will organise the third edition of University Games. It is a multidisciplinary sport tournament addressed to students from The University of Genua. The students will be divided in groups according to the university departments. Each group will have 45 students that will be chosen to particular sport discipline by team captain. There will be sport activities such as: beach volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, orienteering, tug-of-war competitions.

There is also Genovese University Circle CUG that acts dynamically in the University area. This organisation promotes and manages many initiatives in the area of leisure time, sport, culture and services. The CUG works in a spirit of cooperation between university’s departments. The CUS’s offer is addressed to all University’s workers and to their families. The members of the organisation can participate in activities such as: football, women’s football, hiking, volleyball, skiing.

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