Polish Seniors’ Activity in the Face of Modernity’s Challenges

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We are constantly tempted to acting without any effort nowadays. It happens always when we both watch TV, listen to radio or surfing on the Internet and while make use of various mass-transportation means. The lack of the effort coming from the so called “activity” (or rather its illusion) leads to a lack of life-balance and makes us only the passive elements of the surrounding.

The lack of the effort, both physical or intellectual, and an inaction which is its result lead to a situation in which people while making of a choice are led rather by desires than by their real needs. This may result in desire of eating unhealthily what may cause body’s deadly diseases.

The lack of the effort may cause some serious illnesses. Not only the social and the mental ones which are connected with one’s inactivity up against the society, but it may also result in the sicknesses connected with functioning of human body. Each human activity has an impact on a quality of life but the physical activity influences human vitality the most notably.

Adults above 60 are particularly liable on the activity’s decline. This group has less opportunity of intellectual and physical activity because it is statistically less involved in a professional work than other age groups. It is important for seniors to both participate actively in social life and in maintaining of physical activity because their lack of attending to these life dimensions leads to a lack of seniors’ presence in social life and has influence on the difficulties with their potential attempt of reversing of disadvantageous situation. Capability of resources’ regeneration while aging becomes lesser when it comes to social resources and physical condition. And, as it has been proved before, the inactivity in the life dimensions can cause the disease. Thus, it is really important for adults to maintain their physical condition and social relationships through their whole life.

Improving of these two dimensions is possible by participating of seniors in different kind of classes during which they do physical activity and care for social relationships at the same time. Modern social politics’ challenge involves organizing of different programs that activate adults.

Poland is not an exception among other countries which age too. For, there was 10% of whole Polish society who were above 60 in 1990 and in 2019 the amount increased to 17%. General improvement of living condition coming from the medical and technological progress and fewer increase of births have influence on such a demographical trend. The society’s aging can be considered as the progress’ challenge which should be up for modern societies.

There is a great need for adults’ physical activation in Polish society. Seniors’ contribution to physically active adults in Poland is low. There are 10,6% of seniors who do sport regularly and 14,5% of them do it from time to time (according to GUS survey). The most popular sport disciplines in Poland among seniors are: cycling (20%), gymnastics (12%) (according to PolSenior survey), jogging and Nordic walking (27%) (GUS).

There is a big acting opportunity for different organizations that activate seniors and entourage them for active aging. Matching of the physical and the social dimensions in active adults’ aging is enabled by raising of different kind of sport classes. The organizations’ acting in the area is a measure for modern societies’ responsibility and their capability of dealing with the societies’ aging challenge.

Piotr Jarosz

Zostaw Komentarz