Project Coordinator

The Centre of Local Initiatives (CLI) in Zawiercie is non-governmental organisation which operates in the county of Zawiercie.
CLI is involved for 15 years in supporting and animation social actions. We had realized many projects for social development.
All the time we are looking for new ideas and challenges. The areas of our particular attention are such as:

  • building a civil society,
  • popularisation of physical culture and sport,
  • health education and health promotion,
  • prevent social exclusion,
  • professional activation,
  • building a sense of community and national identity.

The main objective of CLI is to promote professional activation of the unemployed and support people at risk of social exclusion, among youth. We undertake activities of education, civil society, strengthen identification with the region, prevent social exclusion. We focus on local community. Because of our experience we recognise problems and advantages of our region. We want to get people involved in the community matters. We work with many local organizations assisting them in undertaking their activities by provide advices or account support. The recipients of our activities are groups of all ages.


From 2018 we publish a magazine entitled „Zawiercianin”. The magazine is free and  distributed in te county of Zawiercie and the nearest area. “Zawiercianin” is published four Times a year in the circulation of 1000 copies. There are documented social activities from our region.  An electronic version of the magazine is available on one of our portal portal is updated regularly and the articles are promoted on Facebook. We already have several thousands followers on Facebook. „Zawiercianin” is a media patron of many socio-cultural and sport events.